Property Taxes


The West Line Village neighborhood is serviced by nine governmental entities. The funding of each entity’s operations and debt repayments is through the levying of property taxes on homeowners. For the past six years, the mill levy rate charged by each governmental entity is as follows:

   Mill Levy Rate History
(Click on the district names below
to learn more!)
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
1.  Jefferson County School District 49.420 47.080 47.040 45.808 46.133 44.526
2a Sheridan Station West Metropolitan District - Bond Debt 44.222 44.532 44.532 44.532 44.532 63.896
2b Sheridan Station West Metropolitan District- Operations 22.000 22.154 22.154 22.154 22.154 24.167
3. Jefferson County 23.739 23.332 24.578 26.241 26.978 26.978
4. West Metro Fire Protection District 12.437 12.539 12.499 13.196 13.431 13.401
5. City of Lakewood 4.711 4.711 4.711 4.711 4.711 4.280
6. East Lakewood Sanitation District 3.745 3.204 3.413 3.749 4.550 4.550
7. Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 0.726 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900
8. Urban Drainage and Flood Control - South Platte Subdistrict 0.094 0.097 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100
9. Regional Transportation District (RTD) - - - - -
Combined Mill Levy Rate 161.094 158.549 159.927 161.391 163.489 182.798

Click on the tax district names above to learn more about each taxing district.